Love others… in our community

Mitten Tree

Westwood Presbyterian Women put up a Christmas tree designated specifically for mittens, gloves, knit hats and scarfs. The congregation brings these items and hangs them on the “Mitten Tree” for children in need that attend Benton Elementary School.


Neighbor to Neighbor is an outreach designed to share the love of Jesus as we assist neighbors, members and our church in the completion of small projects. 
Neighbor to Neighbor 2024
(click on pictures to enlarge)

Share Our Abundance-Free to Me

Share our Abundance is an Outreach Project where gently used clothes are donated by the Westwood Congregation and then sorted, boxed and donated to St Bart’s “Free to Me” program. The St Bart’s store provides clothing free to the community.
Share Our Abundance 2024
(click on pictures to enlarge)

Lend a Hand

Lend a Hand is an Outreach Committee Project. The Westwood Congregation gather to prepare bags of snacks, water and a pamphlet showing all the available facilities in Wichita for the homeless. The bags are available to anyone who wants to take them to hand out to homeless persons.

Neighborhood Night Out

Neighborhood Night Out is a big neighborhood block party to facilitate the meeting of our members, church neighbors, and families and staff from Benton Elementary. A cookout is held with lots of yummy foods and children are able to enjoy a variety of carnival games while adults are entertained by exceptional music. There is no charge – just an opportunity for Westwood Church to share the gift of fellowship with others.
October 2024
(click on photo to enlarge)
Westwood Mission

Union Rescue Mission

An emergency shelter and life-changing center for men. Provides overnight housing and meals for homeless men, hosting a 12-month addition recovery and Christian discipleship program called “New Beginnings” and distributes free food, diapers, and infant formula to families and single mothers in need.
Contact: Outreach Committee

Embrace of Wichita

Mission of Embrace of Wichita 
* Choose life
*Practice sexual integrity and,
*Experience physical, emotional, adn spiritual wholeness
Embrace envisions the day when all women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families in Jesus Christ

Working Men of Christ

The mission is to help those incarcerated to practice becoming faithful doers of God’s Word through a Bible Correspondence Incentive Course and for those that have no place to go, they also offer safe established Discipleship homes upon application approval.
Westwood WMOC

Drive Through Trick or Treat

Drive through Trick or Treat 2020 was a big hit with our Community. There was a big turn out and everyone had a great time. 
Thank you to our Out Reach-Special Events people and all those who volunteered. 

Paxton’s blessing Box

Paxton’s Blessing Box provides free food and personal hygiene items for those in need. Westwood members partner with Benton Elementary School to fill the box. Those in need can take what they want. 
Even our God’s Garden children help.

Scouts of America

Scout Troop #704 meet at Westwood every Monday and Thursday night at 6:30 pm.